Royal Palm

1998 2008 THE FIRST BRAND UPDATE MODERN AND REFINED, IN TUNE WITH THE CURRENT TIMES A PRIMEIRA ATUALIZAÇÃO DA MARCA MODERNA E REFINADA, EM SINTONIA COM OS TEMPOS ATUAIS A decoração do hotel foi se transformando e sempre esteve no ápice do conforto e sofisticação de cada época The hotel's decor has continually evolved, always representing the pinnacle of comfort and sophistication for its respective era In October 1985, the establishment severed ties with Holiday Inn, thereby birthing its new identity: The Royal Palm Plaza Hotel & Racquet Club. The name was inspired by the grand and luxurious estates found in Florida and California, a natural influence not just from the previous owners' origins but also from the building's Hispanic architectural style. UMA HISTÓRIA, MUITAS TRANSFORMAÇÕES 75

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